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Volunteer Accommodation

While you’revolunteering in India, you can rest easy knowing IFRE has taken care of everything for you. We make sure you have a safe, comfortable and clean place to stay, and serve you three local meals a day.

In India, you will be staying with one of our welcoming local Indian host families.If there is no space with our host families (and if you’re volunteering with orphans), you’ll stay in one of the special rooms set aside for international volunteers at the orphanage. Keep reading to get the low down on your accommodations and meals in India.

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Host Family

Your host family will be like a home away from home. Having a warm, caring family to come home to each day is an ideal way to adjust to living in a different country. A supportive home environment gives you the confidence to focus on contributing at your placement and exploring the country.

In Delhi and Jaipur, we have beenworking with our amazing host families since 2006. Our host families are well educated, socially respected, responsible, mature, and experienced with international volunteers. They are carefully chosen for security, comfort, cultural exchange, and friendliness. Many of our hosts are associated with our programs. And they have hosted hundreds of international volunteers, so they understand the need, comfort, and wellbeing of our volunteers.

Staying with a host family during your India volunteering work is a great way to experience typical Indian culture, learn local language, and understand local way of life and many more.

When you live with host family you will get either single or shared room depending up on the availability. Rooms/beds are clean, comfortable, safe, and secured. Our local team has checked and approved the accommodation.

Facilities in Jaipur and Delhi’s host families: Single or Shared rooms (same gender), shared bathroom, comfortable beds, electricity, western toilet, regular supply of water (No hot water), safe and sound living environment, quality home-cooked meals.

Orphanage Hostel Accommodation

In India, orphans and staff who manage the orphanage live inside the orphanage. And a few orphanages in Delhi and Jaipur have also set aside special rooms to host international volunteers. These rooms, which are especially developed to host volunteers, are well furnished, comfortable, safe and secure.

When you live in a project hostel as avolunteer in our orphanage program, you will get either a single or shared room depending on the availability. Rooms/beds are clean, comfortable, safe, and secure, andour local team has checked and approved the accommodation carefully to ensure it meets our standards.

Staying in an orphanage hostel gives you unlimited opportunities to help and love children. It equally gives you opportunities to interact with the local staff and learn about Indian culture, traditions, and ways of life.

Facilities at Orphanage hostel: Single or Shared rooms (same gender), shared bathroom, comfortable beds, electricity, western toilet, regular supply of water (No hot water), safe and sound living environment, quality cooked meals.


IFRE arranges meals for our volunteers participatingin anIndia volunteer program. You will get a variety of delicious Indian food (naan, dahl and chapatti breads, curries, rice and pickles/chutneys) andbe served 3 meals a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner) bythe host family.

If you will be out of the house during lunch hour, youcan request the lunch to go. Also, if Indian food is not to your liking, you can find varieties of western food in nearby restaurants. Food and drinks outside of arrangedmealtimes are the volunteer’s responsibility.

Volunteer Opportunities in India

IFRE arranges many volunteer projects in India. You can

Teach English,

Work in an orphanage,

Help empower women,

Provide crucial medical care,

Raise awareness about HIV/AIDS and much more.

Contact IFRE today to find out which project is right for you!

Take a minute to complete the form and we will be in touch.

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