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Student Volunteer Opportunities Abroad

Your lifetime opportunity to have an impact by working with impoverished communities through love and care while experiencing the adventure of new culture and travel.

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Student Volunteer Opportunities Abroad

Are you a student looking to fly your wings and work on something unique and different in another country? Would you like to spend your summer or spring break travelling in a developing country learning new skill sets while helping poor people in the community?

Student programs provide the best opportunity for you to support impoverished communities and suffering animals to make the world a great place. Similarly, volunteering abroad strengthens your ties to the community and broadens your support network, helping you to meet people with common interests and engage in fun and satisfying neighborhood activities. As part of the program, you will also gain a great sense of achievement and motivation helping people.

From 2006, IFRE has helped over 22,000 happy volunteers work in 20 countries around Asia, Africa and Latin America. IFRE is one of the most affordable and reputable volunteer organizations with over 200 volunteer programs. IFRE’s student volunteer opportunities abroad will help you to develop skills such as supervising and training that improve your social abilities and career growth.

Together with your classmates or group of friends, you can now become volunteer abroad for a lifetime of experiences and a chance to make the world a better and lovely place, contact IFRE about this exciting and great opportunity today!

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Table of Contents

Benefits of Students Volunteer Opportunities Abroad

Student volunteer abroad programs always have a variety of benefits that are directed towards creating a positive impact in the community.

Volunteering allows you to connect with your community and make it a better place. There will be benefits for you, your family, and the organization that you choose to help. Some of these include:

Student volunteer abroad programs help you to make new friends

Volunteer abroad are a great way to meet new people. Volunteering strengthens your ties to the community and broadens your support network, helping you to meet people with common interests and engage in fun and satisfying neighborhood activities.

Volunteering opportunities abroad for students improve your career options

Volunteering opportunities provide career experience. They offer you the chance to explore new career paths without making a long-term commitment.

This is also a great way to gain experience with an organization working in a field in which you might already be interested.

International volunteering opportunities for students are good for learning new skills

International volunteering opportunities for students provide extensive training. The activities in which you get involved can teach you valuable new skills such as planning, goal-setting, and budgeting skills to carry out a major fundraising event, for example.

Furthermore, supervising and training other volunteers can help you to develop your social abilities.

Motivation and sense of achievement

As part of the volunteer, you will gain a great sense of achievement and motivation generated from the desire and enthusiasm to help people.

You cannot solve every problem in the world, but you can make a difference in people’s lives and change them for the better.

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The student volunteer opportunities abroad are the best way to see the world. These projects give you the chance to become a responsible global citizen, to stretch your boundaries, and to embark on a journey to change people’s lives.

IFRE offers various affordable, reputable, and well-organized volunteer programs that cater to different interests, budgets, time constraints and personal volunteer and travel goals.

Costa Rica

Organic Farming in Costa Rica

work in a coffee farm costa rica

The Central American country of Costa Rica is known for its agricultural products all around the world. However, in recent years, it has faced a decline in its farming activities due to conventional farming and excessive use of insecticides and pesticides. This has affected people’s income generating means and their lives.

For this reason, there is a need to make these farmers understand and recognize the importance of organic and sustainable farming, which would also help in developing eco-tourism. IFRE’s volunteer abroad opportunities for college students program is exactly meant for this purpose.

Volunteers will work alongside local farmers to teach them new alternatives for more sustainable and eco-friendly agricultural practices.

When you begin your volunteering journey here as a participant of the international volunteer opportunities abroad students, you will be working hand in hand with the local farmers, setting up new systems of agriculture, and carrying out interviews and surveys.

Along with this, you will be spending the majority of your time doing physical farming such as handpicking coffee, and learning and sharing information on organic practices and more.

This will be a great learning experience for you, which will give you a sense of accomplishment, as these farmers will be able to yield better harvest and earn a better livelihood in the coming years.

Other Volunteer Opportunities in Costa Rica

It doesn’t matter what your background, passion, or interests may be IFRE has volunteering programs in San Jose, Costa Rica you can get excited about! 


Work In An Orphanage (Cusco)

Tourists from around the world come to Peru to participate in festivals including the famous Festival of the Sun. But many children in Peru have suffered childhood negligence, abuse, and abandonment. Many children in Peru are forced to live in the streets, though some find relief at an orphanage.

At the orphanage, the children are provided for basic needs including food, shelter and education. By joining student volunteer trips abroad that forgive student debt you will help the staff care for the residential children. You will help educate them, play with them, and do other work that directly helps the children.

Other Volunteer Opportunities in Peru

We’ve got you covered! IFRE has a great selection of available projects to choose from.



medical volunteer guatemala

Guatemala is a gorgeous country with plenty of places to explore and visit. Many cities in Guatemala have amazing views and backdrops of lush vegetation and volcanic mountains. Despite the fact that Guatemalan government has been working to provide medical care for everybody, the goals have not yet been met especially in rural areas.

People continue to die everyday from diseases that are curable and preventable. And many hospitals lack enough medical staff and basic medical supplies. By joining nursing student volunteer opportunities abroad you will be working with local doctors and healthcare professionals, in hospitals, clinics and also health camps.

Other Volunteer Opportunities in Guatemala

IFRE is aware that every volunteer is different, therefore, you can be sure to find a wide range of projects to satisfy everyone.

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Volunteering With Underprivileged Children

Argentina is a gorgeous country located in South American filled beautiful colorful history. Dance, great cuisine, wine and beautiful landscapes of mountains and oceans are all part of the allure of this unique destination. Unfortunately many families lack access to childcare because they are required to work to care for their children. It is therefore a risk that children end up missing out on things like companionship, adequate nutrition, guidance, a stable education, and the personal attention they crave and deserve.

Kids like these are at risk for getting caught up in the streets and involved with crime or drugs. By volunteering abroad travel trips for college students program you will help keep children off the streets and away from negative situations, which are counter-productive to their education and brighter futures.

Other Volunteer Opportunities in Argentina

No matter what type of experience you are hoping to have, we have a program, which will suit your interests and ensure you make a real impact in Latin America.


Galapagos Conservation Project

galapagos conservation project in ecuador

San Cristobal Island is one of the famed islands of the Galapagos chain visited by Charles Darwin. Join student volunteer opportunities abroad conservation team on San Cristobal Island and help to protect the local ecosystems from invasive species and destruction. Unfortunately, as more and more people visit the archipelago, alien species hitch rides over and can wreak havoc on the local species.

Other Volunteer Opportunities in Ecuador

IFRE has an affordable adventure volunteer trips for college students in Ecuador that is perfect for every volunteer. You’re sure to find a program you can get excited about.


HIV/Aids Project in Cambodia

HIV/AIDS is a major concern that affects Cambodia and its people, as it destroys lives to a great extent. Due to poverty, remoteness, and lack of qualified health personnel, Cambodians are deprived of getting the basic fundamentals of health care.

Also there is no one to create awareness about this dreaded disease that expands in leaps and bounds. Therefore, there is an urgent need for help.

IFRE’s student abroad programs are organized to help improve this grave situation and lift the quality of life for those infected. IFRE also aims at educating them to curtail this disease’s increase through prevention measures.

When you join this International volunteer opportunity for students program in Cambodia, you will be involved in helping affected people to live a better life.

Primarily, you will be working in collaboration with local organizations to carry out the HIV/AIDS projects promoting awareness and providing comfort to HIV/AIDS infected patients.

You will also counsel infected patients, assist clinics and hospitals, organize and lead educational seminars, provide friendship to patients, and get involved in fundraising activities as well. This is a great learning experience that will benefit you and your future career, as well as those infected with HIV/AIDS.

You will give them support and comfort, which will allow them to get up on their feet with confidence and never-ending belief.

Other Volunteer Opportunities in Cambodia

Other than this best inexpensive student volunteer opportunities abroad IFRE offers an array of impactful projects in Cambodia, so no matter what type of volunteer experience you are searching for you are sure to find a project that suits your interests.

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Elephant Conservation in Thailand

elephant conservation in thailand

Elephants have always mesmerized our thoughts with their presence. However, in recent years, their numbers have dwindled at an alarming rate and their lives are at stake all around the world. Elephants are facing this challenge in Surin, Thailand, more than anywhere else in the world.

Ever since logging has been stopped, these elephants once regarded as a useful member of the farmers’ lives, now find themselves on the city streets, begging money, and without proper care and food. They cannot be returned back to the wild.

This situation needs to be changed quickly. IFRE’s international volunteer opportunities for students play a huge role in improving these elephant’s lives.

When you volunteer in Surin as part of the college student volunteer abroad programs, you will be working closely with the elephants,. You will get to know them well by interacting, riding, washing, and feeding them.

As a part of this volunteering project, you are expected to stay three nights each week in a village where you will be helping in cooking meals, performing daily chores, kayaking in the local river, and interacting with locals about their culture, religion and interests.

This entire journey gives you a satisfying feeling of accomplishing the task with dedication, along with giving the elephants the best chance to live in a secured and safe environment for the rest of their lives.

Apart from the student volunteering opportunities abroad programs, IFRE offers a wide range of interesting teaching opportunities abroad, adventure trips, family volunteer opportunities, and community service trips for high school students, animal conservation projects and more.

Join as a volunteer of IFRE and get familiar with the places and programs that best suit your interests, purposes, desires, and time.

Other Volunteer Opportunities in Thailand

No matter your interests or background, one of IFRE’s volunteer projects will be just what you’re looking for.


HIV/Aids Project in Ghana

hiv aids project in ghana

The western African country of Ghana has a serious health concern regarding HIV/AIDS. Each year, this killer virus infects hundreds of adults and children. This happens due to poverty, lack of health awareness, and insufficient medical professionals willing to delve deep into remote areas to treat these infected patients.

For this reason, IFRE’s student volunteer opportunities abroad inject new hope in the lives of these patients by sharing love, time, care, and compassion through its efforts to stop the spread of this deadly disease.

When you participate in volunteer opportunities abroad you will be providing the much needed support and care to these HIV/AIDS infected patients, which include children. You will engage them in educational training and activities to create awareness to stop the spread of this epidemic in Ghana.

Your major role will be to visit these patients, provide basic and valuable tips regarding health nutrition, and sanitation, and keep the health records.

Additionally, you will organize awareness programs for the community related to preventing the spread of this disease and protection measures. Y

Our valuable inputs for these infected patients along with your support during student nursing volunteer opportunities abroad will give you a sense of achievement, as the patients will get a new hope for a better life in a systematic and informed way.

Other Volunteer Opportunities in Ghana

No matter your interests, skills, or background, IFRE is sure to have a project where you can make a difference and have an amazing experience volunteering abroad. 


Health Project in Tanzania

Tanzania is one of those countries in eastern Africa where hunger and malnutrition are predominant Children in the rural areas suffer substantially higher rates of malnutrition and hunger, which is a serious health concern.

This is because of poverty, lack of manpower and resources in the local hospitals to treat different health related issues. To address this, help is urgently needed, especially in the remote village areas.

Therefore, IFRE’s volunteer abroad opportunities for students program is directed towards improving this situation with timely care and public awareness regarding health.

As a participant of the International volunteer opportunities for students, you will have the responsibility of  assisting the medical professionals in carrying out various medical assignments, such as measuring the B.P. temperature, height and weight, distributing medicines, and providing tips to patients on health, nutrition, and sanitation.

You will also counsel patients, treat minor injuries or wounds, and compile patients’ records. Your effort regarding health concerns will satisfy you on personal grounds, as you help these patients to lead a healthy, safe, and secured life for a long time.

Other Volunteer Opportunities in Tanzania

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Monk Teaching Project in Nepal

monk teaching project in nepal

Are you interested in traveling to the land of Buddha and take on the opportunity of teaching English to the Buddhist monks? Well this is it! IFRE’s programs give you the chance to teach English to these Buddhist monks.

As they devote their entire spiritual life to Buddhism and its teaching, learning a foreign language is challenging and abnormal for them. This is a great opportunity for you to change this.

Your role in the international volunteer opportunities for students will be to teach the basic nuances of English to these Buddhist monks. You will be working either in a school of Tibetan children’s village or in a local monastery in Kathmandu.

Here, you will be assisting these monks in various extra-curricular activities such as games, drawing, singing, dancing and other creative tasks to build the confidence level of these students, thus helping them to socialize more freely than ever before.

This amazing volunteering college student opportunities journey of spiritual rituals is incomparably filled with a sense of accomplishment, as you change the perspective of these monks by giving them the power of English to communicate with the outer world.

Other Volunteer Opportunities in Nepal

Depending on your passion is or what kind of difference you are hoping to make, IFRE has a wide range of meaningful volunteer program in Nepal that will suit your interests.

Skills and Qualifications

There are no specific qualifications and skills required to join student volunteer opportunities abroad. However, you must be willing to help the needy and be ready to work hard. It is also important that you are compassionate and have a passion and love of caring for people and animals. Please note that to join medical program you will be required to have a medical certification or experience as a student.

The Start Date(s) 

IFRE’s volunteer opportunities abroad that forgive student debt begin every Monday year-round. If you have travel constraints, you can still start your chosen program on any day of the year.

The Fee

IFRE offers low prices opportunities to volunteer abroad with fees starting at $165 paid directly to the host family or local program coordinator. The fee covers for your accommodation, food, airport pickup and in-country support. In some countries you will be required a one-time registration fee that will cater for all your pre-departure costs.

To learn more about the fee for each country please follow this link.

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Housing and Food

While volunteering for college student program abroad you will be staying with a trusted and loving IFRE local host family. You host family will make sure you always feel safe, and provide you with three (breakfast, lunch and dinner) delicious traditional local home-cooked meals. However some program offer alternative accommodation in a volunteer house or a project hostel.

To learn more about what kind of accommodation or food available in each location, please feel free to contact us or see the individual link of the project given above.

How can you apply?

To apply for IFRE’s best volunteer college student opportunities is simple and straightforward. Press the APPLY NOW button and complete the information in the application form and submit the form.

To apply for student volunteer opportunities abroad program, please follow the APPLY NOW button at the top of the page.

Why go with IFRE Volunteers?

IFRE is a registered non-profit founded in 2006 in Texas, US. It is distinct from other organizations because they focus on an intimate grassroots approach. With over 200 programs worldwide they are deemed the most affordable volunteer organization in the industry. Since inception IFRE has hosted over 22,000 volunteers in 20 developing countries around three continents.

How can you go as a group?

IFRE will design for you and your group unique and student volunteer opportunities abroad. If you are looking to take life-changing programs, please contact us today. We look forward to offering you with a special program that matches your passion and goals to change communities by building sustainable impactful projects, while travelling and living like a local.

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IFRE Volunteers is one of the top volunteering program providers in the world.  We offer amazing volunteer programs in 20 countries across Latin America, Asia and Africa. If you are interested to volunteer in other countries than mentioned above, check out our best affordable programs in  IndiaSri LankaBaliKenyaSouth Africa, Uganda, Zimbabwe and Morocco.

Check out A Complete Volunteer Abroad Guide: Everything You Need To Know to learn more about what is volunteering abroad. If you want to know how to volunteer abroad for free, go through our Volunteer Abroad for Free article. If you are a college student and searching for meaningful summer volunteering programs, check out our popular articles Community Service Trips For College Students and Summer Volunteer Programs For College Students.

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